Standing vs Regular feet

What is the standing foot option for sex dolls?

The standing foot option is a popular choice as it allows the doll to stand upright. This feature is facilitated by three small metal bolt heads on the bottom of the foot. While there's a slight visual compromise, the benefits include ease in photography, dressing, cleaning, and moving the doll. However, ensure the doll is supported to prevent falls and damages.

  • Great for photography, storing upright, dressing, cleaning, and moving.
  • Not suitable for those with a foot fetish due to visible bolts.
  • Foot flexibility is limited to downward movement.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the standing foot larger or flatter than the normal foot?
No, it's the same foot with reinforcement modifications.

Can the standing foot wear high heel shoes?
Yes, but flat shoes are recommended for standing. If heels are used, ensure the doll is leaned on a support.

Which dolls are offered with the standing foot?
All dolls, except torsos, can be ordered with standing feet.